An Explosion of ME/CFS in the US + The Real Difference RECOVER May Make In Long COVID

An Explosion of ME/CFS in the US + The Real Difference RECOVER May Make In Long COVID

Long COVID increases the prevalence of ME/CFS in the US fifteenfold plus a deep dive into RECOVER's testing program suggests it might help a lot.
The NIH on the ME/CFS Intramural Study -“Effort Preference”, Exhausted Immune Systems and the Crucial Male/Female Divide

The NIH on the ME/CFS Intramural Study -“Effort Preference”, Exhausted Immune Systems and the Crucial Male/Female Divide

The findings from a seminal (and massive) NIH intramural study done on chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) were explained during a symposium.
The “Septad” – a Treatment Roadmap for ME/CFS, POTS, Long COVID : From “Unraveled” a Patreon Broadcast from Dr. Kaufman and Ruhoy

The “Septad” – a Treatment Roadmap for ME/CFS, POTS, Long COVID : From “Unraveled” a Patreon Broadcast from Dr. Kaufman and Ruhoy

Two doctors discuss the seven distinguishing factors that tie diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, POTS, long COVID, joint hypermobility syndrome together.

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