Despite the fact that some have postulated men and women come from different planets, the medical profession has long assumed that when it comes to biology men make a fine stand-in for women. That attitude has been steadily changing and a brilliant Canadian study...
“It’s the first real solid attempt to come up with some biologic mechanisms for long Covid,” said Dr. Steven Deeks. A large and complex long-COVID study was recently published. It’s one of the first major studies to follow large numbers of long-COVID patients...
Researchers propose that the renin-aldosterone system and damage to the endothelial and epithelial cells are at the core of the both long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Cortisol, our body’s main stress hormone, has an amazing reach. Given the effects it has on our metabolism, inflammation, blood pressure, blood sugar, energy production and even the sleep-wake cycle, it’s no surprise that researchers early on latched onto...
Right on the heels of a study showing that people with fibromyalgia have trouble focusing or paying attention comes another study linking cognitive problems to a balky stress response. Say What? Attention Deficits Highlight Why Fibromyalgia (and ME/CFS) Are Such...
“Therefore, in this study, we hypothesize that understanding cortisol patterns in both these syndromes may be a crucial factor in characterizing FMS and CFS.” The authors More than any other substance, cortisol demonstrates how integral a role the stress...
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