Remember the Open Medicine Foundation’s Severe ME/CFS Big Data study? Initiated in 2015, it was one of three unusually large and expensive ME/CFS studies (Intramural Study NIH, CDC’s Multisite Study) begun in the 2010s…
Geoff’s Narrations The GIST The Blog The “transient receptor potential melastatin 3” (better known as TRPM3) saga in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is really something. It’s an example of one group – and only one group...
We continue to take a deep dive into the “Long COVID and Post Acute Sequalae of SARS CoV 2 (PASC): Pathogenesis and Treatment” first-ever international conference on long COVID. Long-COVID research was always going to be a bit messy. Take a look at the...
Despite the fact that some have postulated men and women come from different planets, the medical profession has long assumed that when it comes to biology men make a fine stand-in for women. That attitude has been steadily changing and a brilliant Canadian study...
How close are we to understanding chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) when we can accurately predict how the greatest stressor of all – exercise – affects ME/CFS patients’ physiology? Nothing, after all, whacks a person with ME/CFS like exercise....
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