It’s amazing sometimes what you see if you look. A blog on the causes and possible treatments for the very troubling photophobia, or light sensitivity, that some experience turned into a deep dive into migraine and its similarities to diseases like chronic...
Cort talks about hot topics in fibromyalgia research, future treatment possibilities, diagnosis, the difference between chronic fatigue syndrome and FM and more to the Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Association in the UK.
Muscle pressures three times normal in fibromyalgia suggest that reduced blood flows to the muscle are causing pain and fatigue in FM. They also suggest that the central sensitization cannot explain everything in fibromyalgia.
Poor oxygen uptake from the red blood cells could help explain the exercise issues in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). Mitochondrial problems or hyperventilation contribute to the oxygen uptake problem.
Migraine effects 12% of the population (!) or about 40 million people. Two studies suggest as many as 75% of people with chronic fatigue syndrome experience migraines and that most migraines in ME/CFS are undiagnosed. A recent large fibromyalgia study suggested...
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