Studies indicate that vaccines can help protect against coming down with long COVID and can help some people who come down with long COVID. A small number of people get worse, however.
One of the dangers facing the long-COVID research field was an over-emphasis on immune functioning and an under-emphasis on metabolism and energy production. While exercise studies showed up pretty early in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), it took the field a while...
Three case reports indicate that monoclonal antibody therapy rapidly restored severely ill patients with long term cases of long COVID to health. Implications for chronic fatigue syndrome are explored.
We continue to take a deep dive into the “Long COVID and Post Acute Sequalae of SARS CoV 2 (PASC): Pathogenesis and Treatment” first-ever international conference on long COVID. Long-COVID research was always going to be a bit messy. Take a look at the...
Metrodora is bringing a high-tech approach to diseases like chronic fatigue syndrome, dysautonomia, and fibromyalgia that the medical profession has largely ignored.
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