The Hibernation Diseases? Mitochondrial Finding Suggests Fibromyalgia May Be Hibernation Disease as Well

The Hibernation Diseases? Mitochondrial Finding Suggests Fibromyalgia May Be Hibernation Disease as Well

Nothing happens in your body without some of your genes going off like skyrockets.  If your body is responding to something – or acting differently in some way – it should show up in a different pattern of gene expression. If you get a virus, for instance,...
CDC Roundtable, Multisite Study and Dr. Klimas’ Attempt to Permanently “Reset” Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

CDC Roundtable, Multisite Study and Dr. Klimas’ Attempt to Permanently “Reset” Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

Roundtable The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) flew in about 40 people from over two dozen organizations for the one-day CDC Roundtable on Medical Education and ME/CFS. It was a busy 24 hours. Everyone flew in the night before to a hotel near the airport, spent the...

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