One of the dangers facing the long-COVID research field was an over-emphasis on immune functioning and an under-emphasis on metabolism and energy production. While exercise studies showed up pretty early in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), it took the field a while...
It took about three years but the first major international conference on long COVID – the “Keystone Long COVID and Post Acute Sequalae of SARS CoV 2 (PASC): Pathogenesis and Treatment” conference recently took place in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the El...
Could ME/CFS be next? There’s nothing like a pandemic to open new doors on post-infectious diseases, and it’s no surprise that the Henrich/Peluso team at the University of California at San Francisco would be the ones to do that. With their LIINC project,...
An innovative gene expression study suggests that an immune cell that's hardly been studied in chronic fatigue syndrome - monocytes - could be the prime driver of the immune problems in the disease.
Big gender differences during exercise, monocyte dysregulation, platelet activation and myoglobin levels highlighted the Hanson group's work on chronic fatigue syndrome.
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