Could COVID-19 studies already be providing clues about what went wrong with the long haulers and people with post-infectious chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia and other diseases? Two articles in the New York Times – a feature length one,...
A couple of weeks ago Health Rising posted a kind of wakeup call for the COVID-19 long haulers. Borne out of decades of experience with ME/CFS, it was admittedly a pretty harsh piece – not easy to take in. An Open Letter to the COVID-19 Long Hauler Community...
A barrage of "long hauler" COVID-19 media stories plus several large studies and registries tracking how people with COVID-19 fare over time provides hope for the long suffering and neglected chronic fatigue syndrome community that their disease will finally be taken seriously.
Could COVID-19 – with as much devastation, pain and suffering that it’s caused – have a silver lining for chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)? A brilliantly written Washington Post article, “Researchers warn covid-19 could cause debilitating...
“I have sympathy for people with chronic fatigue syndrome now, and I believe this disease fast-tracks you into experiencing these symptoms.” Paul Garner – Infectious Diseases Specialist A lot of infections can trigger chronic fatigue syndrome...
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