Another Balky Metabolic Pathway in ME/CFS? The Pentose Pathway, Low Oxygen, Blood Vessel, and Even Neuroinflammation Connection

Another Balky Metabolic Pathway in ME/CFS? The Pentose Pathway, Low Oxygen, Blood Vessel, and Even Neuroinflammation Connection

What’s going on in orthostatic intolerance (symptoms triggered by standing or sitting up) has been well described – from the outside. We can see heart rates go up (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS))…

Network Medicine for ME/CFS: Wenzhong Xiao and the Open Medicine Foundation’s Severe ME/CFS Big Data Study

Network Medicine for ME/CFS: Wenzhong Xiao and the Open Medicine Foundation’s Severe ME/CFS Big Data Study

Remember the Open Medicine Foundation’s Severe ME/CFS Big Data study? Initiated in 2015, it was one of three unusually large and expensive ME/CFS studies (Intramural Study NIH, CDC’s Multisite Study) begun in the 2010s…

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