Check out Geoff’s Narrations The GIST The Blog Ten years ago Dr. Peterson called the severely ill the “elephant in the room” that everyone had danced around for years. The elephant in the room got very visible recently. A recent...
Geoff’s Narration The Blog We’ve had chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) moments and long-COVID moments, and now we have our first post-infectious disease moment. “Moments” indicate that something significant has happened, suggesting that better...
Geoff’s Narration The Blog Have you ever tried to drink out of a firehose? Me neither. Until last week. That’s when I attended Ron Davis’s annual Working Group meeting. That’s where a roaring firehose of ME/CFS (myalgic...
In a surprise, Monica Bertagnolli, the new head of the NIH, sat down with a long COVID and ME/CFS investigative journalist to discuss the two diseases.
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