Health Rising's largest coronavirus infection and vaccine effects poll asks how people with fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome and related diseases have done over time.
FibroCOVID - people with long COVID who meet the criteria for fibromyalgia was commonly found in one study as was small fiber neuropathy which is also common in fibromyalgia.
People with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) may be more at risk from a coronavirus infection because the virus uses a receptor to enter cells that's been implicated in ME/CFS.
Will the millions of people with long COVID who may apply for disability force change? Plus check out how to support your disability claim if you have long COVID or ME/CFS.
They were the “original gangster” (OG) in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). At one point in time, enteroviruses were pretty much “it” in ME/CFS. Indeed, the ME/CFS outbreaks from the 1930s to 1960s resembled nothing so much as atypical...
Staggered doses of flu vaccines have been used in the past in chronic fatigue syndrome. Given the severe side-effects some are experiencing from the coronavirus vaccine, Brendan asks why this approach isn't being used with the coronavirus vaccines.
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