We don’t know how chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), long COVID, fibromyalgia, and allied diseases are going to be beaten, but one thing is pretty clear – it’s going to take a broad-scale effort…
A new phrase – “long cold” – recently entered the medical lexicon. A “long cold” is what you have if you fail to recover from an ordinary respiratory virus. That idea, of course, is not news to people with chronic fatigue syndrome ...
Studies thus far indicate the long COVID and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) may be exhausting the body in similar ways via viral persistence, autoimmunity, circulatory and blood issues and small fiber neuropathy.
They were the “original gangster” (OG) in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). At one point in time, enteroviruses were pretty much “it” in ME/CFS. Indeed, the ME/CFS outbreaks from the 1930s to 1960s resembled nothing so much as atypical...
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