A new phrase – “long cold” – recently entered the medical lexicon. A “long cold” is what you have if you fail to recover from an ordinary respiratory virus. That idea, of course, is not news to people with chronic fatigue syndrome ...
Yale researcher Akiko Iwasaki's $3 million in private gifts for chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), long COVID, and post-treatment Lyme disease bodes well for post-infectious diseases.
Recent studies indicate that the coronavirus is triggering many new autoimmune and neurological diseases. That's good news for chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Serimmune's free chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and fatiguing illness 5-year antibody testing study will assess whether you've been exposed to the coronavirus and tick-borne pathogens such as Lyme disesase.
Lyme disease has been a scourge in parts of the U.S. for decades but doctors are still using diagnostic tests developed in the 1990’s. Researchers now assert, though, that a definitive diagnostic test is technically feasible. Plus, powered by Congressional...
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