(Thanks to Pinetree for providing her success story and personal recommendations. This blog was written by her and edited by me (Cort)) A success story is always a remarkable thing to hear. Pinetree still has chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), she’s not ‘normal’ or...
“Finding an objective neurochemical change in the brains of people who are used to being told that their problems are imaginary is pretty important…” Marco Loggia Jarred Younger has believed for quite some time that the glial cells in fibromyalgia...
Opioid Painkiller Crackdown The news regarding opioids has been mostly bad for fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) patients. Restrictions on opioid pain killers could put these medications at risk for FM patients battling one of the most painful...
The FDA is clamping down harder and harder on opioid drugs, but it’s the Justice Department that’s probably sending the chills up some doctors’ spines. The Justice Department’s Opioid Fraud and Abuse Detection Unit, which operates in 12...
Sleep disturbances and severe stress as glial activators: key targets for treating central sensitization in chronic pain patients?Jo Nijs,Marco L. Loggia,Andrea Polli,Maarten Moens,Eva Huysmans,Lisa Goudman, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets Volume 21, 2017...
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