Researchers haven’t explored the impact that emotional stressors or their opposite – uplifts – might be having on health in ME/CFS, but perhaps they should. The stressors associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), after all, can be immense...
I found Health Rising a few years ago, but I only started subscribing to receive it in my inbox in mid-2022. Feeling like I had found the best-centralized source of information on long COVID and ME/CFS, I reached out to Cort to make a recurring donation. We got to...
Will the millions of people with long COVID who may apply for disability force change? Plus check out how to support your disability claim if you have long COVID or ME/CFS.
Cort talks about hot topics in fibromyalgia research, future treatment possibilities, diagnosis, the difference between chronic fatigue syndrome and FM and more to the Sheffield ME and Fibromyalgia Association in the UK.
“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” Buddhist saying Something new has become possible with the long-COVID funding. Long sought answers to ME/CFS are not a pipe dream anymore but appear achievable. They will, however, take some time to emerge. Yet...
The 2020 IACFS/ME Zoom conference found evidence of B-cell abnormalities that might be tied to autoimmunity, problems with mitochondrial energy production and a finding which suggested that having more uplifiting events may actually help.
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