Last March, I trudged out to the van to install a solar panel. I’d been fighting a cold but this was something thing I dearly wanted to get done. In general, I felt a little activity had been helpful with colds. This time, it was different. The work took longer...
Diets are a frequent topic of conversation in fibromyalgia but have rarely been subjected to scientific study. Recently a Portuguese group determined if an irritable bowel syndrome diet could also help with pain in fibromyalgia. Check out what they and others have...
In the third of a series of blogs examining the role that paleo/ketogenic/carbohydrate limited diets may in limited diets may in treating ME/CFS/FM, Remy explores “Wired to Eat” a book that provides a way for you to determine which carbs are good for you...
Keto Un-Clarity I thought that I MUST be in ketosis. I was eating lots of fat, lots of protein and cheating only intermittently. I’d been doing my version of a ketogenic diet for about nine months. It wasn’t as if I’d prepared for it. I didn’t...
(The metabolomic findings in ME/CFS and reports that high carbohydrate foods have a sapping effect suggest that ketogenic diets – which increase fats and proteins and severely limit carbohydrates – may make sense in ME/CFS and fibromyalgia. Thanks for...
Thanks once again to Darden for allowing Health Rising to republish an article (originally titled “Lifestyle Recommendations for Optimal Health” from her Fibrofriends blog As a person whose health has been compromised by chronic illness for many years I...
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