This is part of a series on visionary individuals in ME/CFS who have taken action to make their vision a reality. Check out Pt. I of a two-part blog series featuring Dr. Bateman and the Bateman Horne Center. Filling “The Landscape of Unmet Needs” in...
A Focus on Education The Bateman Horne Center in Salt Lake City is much more than one of the very few treatment clinics that focus on chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM). Its extensive video library of educational talks – containing talks on...
Roundtable The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) flew in about 40 people from over two dozen organizations for the one-day CDC Roundtable on Medical Education and ME/CFS. It was a busy 24 hours. Everyone flew in the night before to a hotel near the airport, spent the...
“The bottom line is that we should rethink this whole area and encourage proper clinical trials.” Dr. Nancy Klimas This article is the last of a three-part series on IVIG which came out of my attending the 2018 Dysautonomia Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. An IVIG...
We also hypothesize that migraine may be attributable to a reactivation of a latent HSV residing within the trigeminal ganglion. The authors She was a healthy 21-year-old white college student who woke up one morning to a “scintillating scotoma”, a visual...
I think that my patients are some of the bravest, most stalwart individuals ever, and I admire them sincerely. Charles Lapp Dr. Lapp’s path to medicine and then into chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia (FM) was an unusual one. Lapp graduated from...
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