“The most effective way to reduce spinal cord inflammation” Dr. Ginerva Liptan Dr. Liptan came to specialize in fibromyalgia after coming down with the disease in medical school. She employs an integrative approach to the disease which includes, as she...
With the Phase III trials looming, the results of Dr. Pridgen’s phase II clinical trials on his antiviral approach to fibromyalgia have been released. His next step – finding a way through the “valley of death” where many drug possibilities...
How, in general, do people with FM do over time? How satisfied are they with the treatment options available to them? Which doctors give them the best chance of getting better? Which are validating and which are not? Which are knowledgeable and which are not? Check...
Health Rising continues its series of blogs on basic aspects of fibromyalgia with a look at which kinds of doctors help and don’t help. From general practitioners to physiatrists (pain specialists) people with FM see a wide variety of practitioners who range...
Fatigue, lethargy, mental sluggishness, difficulty tolerating heat and cold, depression, joint pain, headaches, morning stiffness…the list goes on and on. It’s almost a perfect match for chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) or fibromyalgia (FM) but it’s not either – it’s...
Nobody mentioned viruses and fibromyalgia in the same sentence until Dr. Pridgen had the gall to assert a virus was causing FM, and that he had the patient
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