We’re moving into a prime advocacy period. This is the second of a series of blogs on advocacy that are going to appear over the next month. The first focused on the big advocacy event of the year – the Solve ME/CFS Initiative’s Lobby Day. If...
A riff on Dr. Peter Rowe’s presentation at the 2020 Dysautonomia International Conference (note that I expand on many of Rowe’s points; i.e. not all the words are his.) Lauren Stiles, the founder of Dysautonomia International, has long believed that the...
The NASA Lean Test can be easily used in doctors office to diagnose orthostatic intolerance (symptoms worsen while standing) in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and other functional pain disorders may triggered by an overactive fight/flight system which results in neuroinflammation.
Take a look back a ten years of work to scientifically redefine how ME/CFS is researched and treated. Check out the big ground-breaking spinal fluid studies, the “The Peterson Subset”,the illuminating gut and natural killer cell studies, the Vistide report...
I was a bit anxious as I waited for Dr. Pridgen to pick up. It had been a year and a half since we talked and I had heard nothing. Given Pridgen’s approach – using antivirals in a disease (fibromyalgia) that few connected with pathogens – his...
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