Treatments are, of course, where the rubber meets the road. The Oct 2016 conference featured a different chemotherapy/autoimmune drug that appears to be helping, a drug that helped one ME/CFS/POTS patient to fully recover, how exercise tests may be uncovering drug...
Ampligen became the first drug ever approved for use in ME/CFS when ANMAT, Argentine’s FDA, approved the drug for use in severe ME/CFS patients. The approval should provide a clear pathway for Ampligen’s approval elsewhere. The U.S. is the odd man out in...
With a UK trial for Rituximab at least temporarily in doubt, let’s turn the focus to Ampligen – a drug that is potentially one trial away from being approved for ME/CFS. Ampligen is still the only drug that’s been able to move the needle on exercise...
After the FDA nixed its approval for Ampligen and saddled its producer, Hemispherx Biopharma, with paying for a large new trial, it looked like Ampligen was dead and gone. Francis Collin’s promise to increase ME/CFS funding, however, caused a seismic shift in...
Bill Carter – the long-time CEO of Hemispherx Biopharma, the producer of Ampligen, was fired as the company announced new austerity measures. ME/CFS practitioners laud Ampligen but it’s never in 30 years made it to market. It’s been called “A...
Patient and physician outcry resulted in FDA overturning its rejection of a MS drug. Could the same thing happen with chronic fatigue syndrome and Ampligen?
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