This blog asks if it’s possible to reduce the PEM period by doing things other than resting. It’s a long blog – you may want to print it out using the print button on the bottom left of the blog. About 5 years ago, Health Rising did a post on...
Jarred Younger – the creator of the Neuroinflammation, Pain and Fatigue Laboratory – is committed. He knows neuroinflammation plays a role in fibromyalgia (FM) and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and his lab is dedicated to showing that. So far –...
The authors propose that a new approach to fibromyalgia is needed to produce better drug treatments. They focused on cannabinoids, NMDA receptors, neuroinflammatory drugs, etc.
Not satisfied with how your treatments for fibromyalgia and/or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is going? Look to the future at the drugs trials underway in both these diseases as well as other trials in other diseases that may help.
“Finding an objective neurochemical change in the brains of people who are used to being told that their problems are imaginary is pretty important…” Marco Loggia Jarred Younger has believed for quite some time that the glial cells in fibromyalgia...
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