For years, ketamine was known for its use as an anesthetic or as a recreational drug. Its ability to provide quick and safe sedation saved many lives during the Vietnam war and is still the preferred anesthetic in battlefield situations. It can be used to induce a...
Day two of the Conference – not all of which is covered here, started off with a physicians’ panel, then NIH Director Francis Collins showed up (covered later) just before the Intramural study presented some results, then it was onto Ian Lipkin, Dr. Oh,...
I was a 29-year-old career woman who had been burning the candle at both ends for as long as I can remember. I had a high-powered job that required weekly travel, both nationally and internationally, consulting for executive management teams in Fortune 500 companies...
It’s always hard to lose a loved one, but the deaths in ME/CFS seem particularly hard. They tend to be quite painful, they often take place in the midst of a non-supportive medical system, and they’re a complete mystery. With no seeming way out it’s...
The Solve ME/CFS Initiative’s Ramsay Awards are small grants (@$50K – only in the medical field is 50K small) but potentially mighty grants. They are designed to give researchers the funding to produce pilot data needed to get really big grants – the...
Younger is studying a potentially more effective and side-effect free form of low dose naltrexone called dextro naltrexone. His botanicals study containing 9 plant compounds including resveratrol and cucurmin has wrapped up as well.
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