“The dramatic response to therapy in this patient is remarkable and could help others who suffer from POTS and MCAS.” The authors This, the fourth and last of a series of blogs featuring IVIG, and in this case other treatments, was sparked by attending the 2018...
“The bottom line is that we should rethink this whole area and encourage proper clinical trials.” Dr. Nancy Klimas This article is the last of a three-part series on IVIG which came out of my attending the 2018 Dysautonomia Conference in Nashville, Tennessee. An IVIG...
Italo Biaggioni, a respected Vanderbilt researcher in the field, has co-authored 100’s of studies on dysautonomia. He was an impressive speaker, at ease and relaxed in front of the room. I felt like I was sitting in his living room. He noted that the...
A significant number of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, POTS, fibromyalgia or other similar disease may have an autoimmune disease which is attaching their autonomic nervous system (an autoimmune dsyautonomia) which may be treatable by IVIG or other therapies
Suzi’s story is the first in a series of blogs exploring the possibility that the autoimmune findings will open the door for IVIG (Intravenous Immunoglobulin) treatment in chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromaylgia (FM) and postural orthostatic tachycardia...
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