Paul Garner’s recovery story from long COVID has met with almost universal dismay and anger from the chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) community. Garner, after all, was something of a champion for long COVID and ME/CFS. An infectious diseases specialist who had...
The 2020 IACFS/ME Zoom conference found evidence of B-cell abnormalities that might be tied to autoimmunity, problems with mitochondrial energy production and a finding which suggested that having more uplifiting events may actually help.
Something extraordinary happened to me last weekend. Following three horrid nights of sleep, I spent 13 hours a day for the next three days in a room with 135 people – and emerged in much better condition than when I had started. That I would not have predicted....
Last March, I trudged out to the van to install a solar panel. I’d been fighting a cold but this was something thing I dearly wanted to get done. In general, I felt a little activity had been helpful with colds. This time, it was different. The work took longer...
Christine, a nurse, describes her journey from very severe chronic fatigue syndrome to health through the use of Annie Hopper's Dynamic Neural Retraining Syndrome.
I was a 29-year-old career woman who had been burning the candle at both ends for as long as I can remember. I had a high-powered job that required weekly travel, both nationally and internationally, consulting for executive management teams in Fortune 500 companies...
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