Researchers haven’t explored the impact that emotional stressors or their opposite – uplifts – might be having on health in ME/CFS, but perhaps they should. The stressors associated with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), after all, can be immense...
The kind of loopy name – alpha-gal syndrome – belies its significance. The alpha-gal syndrome is no joke and may even be mimicking diseases like post-treatment Lyme Disease, irritable bowel syndrome, mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), orthostatic...
A distinguished researcher proposes that plasmalogen deficiency plays a key role in ME/CFS and long COVID. While plasmalogen drugs are not available, plasmalogen supplements are. They do tend to be quite expensive, however.
As almost anyone with ME can attest, we often have a complicated relationship with food. We likely have an increased need for nutrients, yet often have little stamina to cook for ourselves. And then there’s the ever-growing list of foods that don’t play nicely with...
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