The Mission Solve M.E.’s Chief Scientific Officer, Sadie Whittaker, was on a mission. She wanted to get chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) embedded in one of the top medical schools in the country. UCLA, located in the tony Westwood neighborhood of Los Angeles,...
“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” Buddhist saying Something new has become possible with the long-COVID funding. Long sought answers to ME/CFS are not a pipe dream anymore but appear achievable. They will, however, take some time to emerge. Yet...
High dose Vitamin B-1 or thiamine significantly reduced fatigue in people with inactive intestinal bowel disease. Jeffrey Lubell suggests it might be able to do the same for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, EDS and related diseases.
We’re moving into a prime advocacy period. This is the second of a series of blogs on advocacy that are going to appear over the next month. The first focused on the big advocacy event of the year – the Solve ME/CFS Initiative’s Lobby Day. If...
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