Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and other functional pain disorders may triggered by an overactive fight/flight system which results in neuroinflammation.
Intranasal preparations could speed the delivery of drugs and supplements like glutathione and insulin to the brain in chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia and reduced inflammation there.
The authors propose that a new approach to fibromyalgia is needed to produce better drug treatments. They focused on cannabinoids, NMDA receptors, neuroinflammatory drugs, etc.
Hydrogen-enriched water … it conjures up conflicting images of a nuclear reaction, or perhaps the latest, weird health fad to appear (which will soon disappear – leaving a few people rich and everyone else disappointed.) The fact that it’s another...
I don’t know if “Your Best Sleep Ever” online summit has the answers for anyone, but I do know that one thing they say is true: “It’s really hard to heal when you’re not sleeping well”. As we’ll shortly see, sleep...
Take a look back a ten years of work to scientifically redefine how ME/CFS is researched and treated. Check out the big ground-breaking spinal fluid studies, the “The Peterson Subset”,the illuminating gut and natural killer cell studies, the Vistide report...
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