Two ME/CFS, yes, ME/CFS low dose naltrexone papers appear, one fibromyalgia report attempts to turn dosing protocols on their head, one patient blows through normal dose levels with spectacular success, Jarred Younger hunts for a more powerful naltrexone, and then...
Something extraordinary happened to me last weekend. Following three horrid nights of sleep, I spent 13 hours a day for the next three days in a room with 135 people – and emerged in much better condition than when I had started. That I would not have predicted....
Did the FDA mess up the biggest fibromyalgia drug trial ever? The trial authors propose that changes the FDA made doomed the putative replacement for Lyrica called mirogabalin - and could impair future drugs from becoming approved.
It was a project birthed in hope. Pal Schaathun, a Norwegian filmmaker would document what he hoped might be the end of chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). That, unfortunately, turned out not to be but Schaathun ended up documenting – in strikingly beautiful...
I was a bit anxious as I waited for Dr. Pridgen to pick up. It had been a year and a half since we talked and I had heard nothing. Given Pridgen’s approach – using antivirals in a disease (fibromyalgia) that few connected with pathogens – his...
Last March, I trudged out to the van to install a solar panel. I’d been fighting a cold but this was something thing I dearly wanted to get done. In general, I felt a little activity had been helpful with colds. This time, it was different. The work took longer...
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