ME/CFS Treatment Options Pt. 1 with Dr. Nancy Klimas – by Dan Moricoli How nice it is to have a professional cameraman committed to helping out ME/CFS in southern Florida. Dan Moricoli, a recovered person with ME/CFS, and the creator of the ME/CFS Community and...
A study suggested that the Myhill mitochondrial tests for chronic fatigue syndrome which laid the basis for three studies and Dr. Myhill's treatemnt protocol were inaccurate and should be interpreted "with caution".
How close are we to understanding chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) when we can accurately predict how the greatest stressor of all – exercise – affects ME/CFS patients’ physiology? Nothing, after all, whacks a person with ME/CFS like exercise....
Kyle McNease reports on his recovery from a severe case of ME/CFS which was triggered by heavy metal poisoning and which resulted in infections, hormonal imbalances, POTS, etc.
It’s only been a month – but what a month it has been for Liz. Liz hasn’t had the easiest time of it health-wise. A longtime migraineur and fibromyalgia patient, Liz has had to endure a bucketload of mostly immune health problems that have probably stemmed from a...
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