In Part IV of Kyle McNease’s ME/CFS narrative of going from abundant health to being severely ill and then back to relative health, Kyle is rocked both physically and emotionally by an unexpected and tragic loss. Thanks to Ken Anbender, a former ME/CFS patient, for...
In Part III of Kyle McNease’s narrative of going from abundant health to a severe case of ME/CFS, and then back to relative health, a loss hits Kyle hard, he ponders the fact that life didn’t realize he had other plans, and he comes to a surprising realization...
In Part II of Kyle McNease’s narrative of going from abundant health to a severe case of ME/CFS, and then back to relative health, Kyle experiences abandonment, takes a surrealistic a trip to a psychiatrist, and reflects on the scars his illness has left on his...
(Kyle’s story of going from abundant health to a very severe case of ME/CFS, and then, when all looked bleakest, back to relative health, almost defies description. The length of his narrative, the elegance and directness of his writing, even the difficulty it...
The ME/CFS and fibromyalgia "Done differently" survey asks what, if you could go back and do it again, you would have done differently regarding doctors, treatments, coping, finances, etc.
Remy reviews how Nimodipine or Nimotop may be able to help with the pain, mitochondrial problems, immune system issues and cognitive problems in fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. She examines protocol, doses and cost as relates her experience with the drug.
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