Health Rising reviews Kristina Downing-Orr's book "Beating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Step by Step Guide" based on Dr. Mason Brown's protocol featuring nimodopine, a calcium channel blocker, Brown used to increase brain blood flows.
Through his attorney David Nied of the Astralegal group, Dr. Montoya provided the following statement to Health Rising regarding the events of the past week. Health Rising covered them in this recent post. From David Nied: Following is a statement from my client, Dr....
Eleven years ago, Dr. Jose Montoya bucked his mentor’s advice to stay away from ME/CFS at all costs. In 2008, he made history by opening one of the first chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) clinic/research centers at a top university. While the promise of his...
The Spinal Series This is part three of a series examining spinal issues which may mimic chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and fibromyalgia. The first two in the series involved two very ill ME/CFS patients who have recovered or are recovering following surgery to...
Neglect is embedded in our history. It’s hard to have a conversation without someone mentioning the neglected funding, the doctors who don’t get it, the lack of treatments, the unheeding friends or family; i.e. the things we as a community don’t have...
Jennifer Brea is the second person so far to recover from chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), POTS, mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) following surgery to correct craniocervical instability - a condition caused by weak ligaments which cause the head to impact the brainstem.
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