Multiple sclerosis is a brain disease, right? Wrong. A recent study suggested that M.S. is actually a gut-brain disease and that drug makers trying to cure M.S. may be barking up the wrong tree. They should be looking to the gut – not the brain. It’s not...
It’s a toxic, moldy, summit – not a toxic, moldy mountain (yeeccch!); instead it’s the first online summit on mold (that I know of). If this is indeed the first online Toxic Mold Summit, it’s about time. Toxic mold is an issue that’s been...
(Unusual sensitivities – whether they are to chemicals, mold, foods, drugs, electromagnetic fields or other things) are hard to understand until they are experienced – at which point they can become mind-bogglingly real and can have devastating effects. My...
Your family, friends and even your doctor may, probably will at some point, prod you to get moving. They think that if you can just get on your feet again and start exercising, you’ll be so much better. It’s irritating to hear and just reinforces how...
This is part of a series on visionary individuals in ME/CFS who have taken action to make their vision a reality. Check out Pt. I of a two-part blog series featuring Dr. Bateman and the Bateman Horne Center. Filling “The Landscape of Unmet Needs” in...
This is the second in a series of articles celebrating visionaries in the ME/CFS/FM community who have taken the actions to make their visions real … Sometimes we overlook the obvious. We know studies indicate that chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is probably...
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