Dr. Klimas's big Gulf War Consortium grant will result in 5 clinical trials over the next five years including Enbrel / Mifepristone, CoQ10, glutathione, intranasal insulin and Bacopa and will enable ther to expand her computational biology work with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)
Health Rising reviews Kristina Downing-Orr's book "Beating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Step by Step Guide" based on Dr. Mason Brown's protocol featuring nimodopine, a calcium channel blocker, Brown used to increase brain blood flows.
(Thanks to Darden for allowing Health Rising to republish her blog – which was first published on her Fibrofriends website In September of 2017 I embarked on a healing program using Nutritional Balancing under the supervision of a licensed acupuncturist named...
Younger is studying a potentially more effective and side-effect free form of low dose naltrexone called dextro naltrexone. His botanicals study containing 9 plant compounds including resveratrol and cucurmin has wrapped up as well.
“Finding an objective neurochemical change in the brains of people who are used to being told that their problems are imaginary is pretty important…” Marco Loggia Jarred Younger has believed for quite some time that the glial cells in fibromyalgia...
Theoharis Theoharides believes that metabolic problems are present in ME/CFS but he has a new idea why they’re occurring. In a hypothesis where mast cells meet the brain, Theoharides proposes that mast cells in the hypothalamus are pouring out neuro-inflammatory...
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