Autoimmune Research Opening Up New Options for Chronic Pain Sufferers by Cort Johnson | Aug 1, 2014 | Autoimmune, Fibromyalgia and Pain, Homepage, Immune, Ion Channels, IVIGResearch that suggests autoimmune processes may be causing chronic pain should open up new treatment options over time.
Epstein Barr Virus, Autoimmunity and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Are They All Connected? by Cort Johnson | May 4, 2014 | Autoimmune, Epstein-Barr Virus, Homepage, PathogensThe Epstein Barr Virus theory of autoimmunity has some striking (and disturbing) with what we know about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
What’s Wrong With ME? Autoimmunity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Diet: One Person’s Story by Cort Johnson | Sep 1, 2013 | StoriesA story of a woman's battle with autoimmunity has many parallels for people battling chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
Keeping My Seat Belt Fastened: the Equilibriant Ride Continues – Me and Dr. Chia #3 by Christine McLaughlin | Jul 8, 2013 | Chia, Herbal, HomepageThe rollercoaster ride continues as Christine heads back to Dr. Chia after a time in which outside stressors seemed to build and build and build.