Excluding Factors: Jason Critiques the IOM Definition for ME/CFS by Cort Johnson | Jul 19, 2015 | Definition, HomepageLenny Jason critiques the IOM Reports definition and proposes exclusionary conditions are needed.
Strong Core of ME/CFS Experts Bodes Well for IOM Clinical Definition of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Cort Johnson | Dec 4, 2013 | DefinitionThe provisional panel for the IOM contract to produce a clinical definition for chronic fatigue syndrome includes a strong core of ME/CFS experts.
Feds Snub Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Community…Again: Cut Experts Out, Fund Outside Group to Redefine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by Cort Johnson | Sep 18, 2013 | AdvocacyCutting ME/CFS experts out of the process, the Fed commit to spending large amounts of money to produce a definition nobody wants
Deliverance or Disaster? The Canadian Consensus Definition Petition Conundrum (Take the Poll) by Cort Johnson | Jun 12, 2013 | DefinitionWould having the CCC represent ME/CFS be a big win or could it result in disaster? Recent studies suggest the CCC may have flaws too big to ignore.
Are the Canadian Consensus and International Consensus Criteria Broken? Study Suggests Both May Select for More Psychiatric Patients by Cort Johnson | Apr 28, 2013 | DefinitionA recent study suggests that while the ICC does select for more ME/CFS-like patients it also selects for patients with more psychiatric disorders.