Today is the last day for patients to register or provide comments to the FDA Stakeholder Meeting on April 25th/26. This meeting is turning out to be a bigger deal than we knew. Not only will it light a fire under the FDA to get moving on chronic fatigue syndrome but...
Dear Patients, Patient’s Loved Ones and Friends, Since I ended my hunger strike, I have learned that the FDA has sent invitations for the ME/CFS scientific stakeholder workshop scheduled for April 25-26th. The FDA hasn’t disclosed who it is inviting, and did not...
We thank Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for his longtime work and support for the ME/CFS community, and especially for his recent efforts with the Secretary of Health to stress the serious unmet need in the ME/CFS community and the drastic implications of the...
Dear Friends, We, as a community, accomplished some very important things during the last few weeks, and so I am ending my hunger strike tonight. I am committed to working with our federal health agencies to bring a stronger focus and program to bear on ME/CFS for all...
Hemispherx released a statement on Monday indicating the FDA had denied their application of Ampligen to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) because of a lack of ‘substantial’ proof of efficacy and (rather ominously) because they did not have enough...
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