Many people know of Bob Naviaux’s work on chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), but long before Naviaux came to ME/CFS, he was working on autism. As you read about Naviaux’s exciting new work on autism, ask yourself whether it might be applied to ME/CFS as...
The Newcomer Phair came to this disease like many others have – he knew someone (a neighbor) who had it. When a piece on ME/CFS by Tracie White showed up in the Stanford Alumni magazine in 2016, he contacted Laurel Crosby in Ron Davis’s Stanford lab and...
As the overall health status of individuals is captured in their metabolic state…(it’s believed) that metabolomics results embody global biochemical changes in an individual due to a disease. The Authors Health Rising has focused a lot of attention on...
And then there were three. Almost two years after Dr. Collins announced that the NIH would reinvigorate ME/CFS, the NIH has finally provided funding for three research centers and one data center. Earlier this year the ME/CFS research community surprised by submitting...
“This is not a disease that can be solved by one person. It needs a community, and lots of expertise. I will work with anybody to do this.” Ron Davis The Working Group was impressive. Davis had Bob Naviaux to his left and Maureen Hanson next to him...
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