Andreas Kogelnik, MD, PhD – Dr. Kogelnik received his MD from Emory University, a PhD in Bioengineering from Georgia Tech, completed his residency at Stanford, and did a graduate fellowship there. Between Stanford and the founding of the Open Medicine Institute, Dr. Kogelnik founded two companies.
Dr. Kogelnik founded the Open Medicine Institute
Dr. Kogelnik’s experience with software, bioinformatics and bioengineering stood him in good stead as he founded the Open Medicine Institute which is committed to revolutionize the study and treatment of difficult chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. The Open Medicine Institute’s OMI-Merit Initiative created a consensus set of funding priorities for the chronic fatigue syndrome field, and the OpenMedNet project will optimize data collection and sharing for doctors and patients. A Patient Registry and Biobank are also part of the OMI.
Dr. Kogelnik is also a practicing physician and is a member of Health Rising’s Ask the Doctors Panel.