Do you have anxiety? If this self-report test indicates you might have anxiety sure to check out ways to increase blood volume or improve your autonomic nervous system functioning.
Scoring the Inventory (from Wikipedia)
Each question inquires about how bothersome a symptom of anxiety has been for the subject over the past week. Scoring the BAI is based on a 0-3 point scale, with each question being scored as follows based on participant response:
Interpretation of scores[edit]
The following guidelines are the currently used in interpreting the total score:
- Use the download button on the upper right to download
Scoring the Inventory (from Wikipedia)
Each question inquires about how bothersome a symptom of anxiety has been for the subject over the past week. Scoring the BAI is based on a 0-3 point scale, with each question being scored as follows based on participant response:
- 0 points: NOT AT ALL
- 1 point: MILDLY: It did not bother me much.
- 2 points: MODERATELY: It wasn't pleasant at times.
- 3 points: SEVERELY: It bothered me a lot.
Interpretation of scores[edit]
The following guidelines are the currently used in interpreting the total score:
- 0-7: minimal anxiety
- 8-15: mild anxiety
- 16-25: moderate anxiety
- 26-63: severe anxiety
- 0-9: normal anxiety
- 10-18: mild-moderate anxiety
- 19-29: moderate-severe anxiety
- 30-63: severe anxiety