ME/CFS/FM Doctors in Canada Pt. II
Dr. Robert S. McDougall, MD, FRCPC
Specialty: Adult & Pediatric Rheumatology
Address: 2125 11th Ave, Suite 311, Regina, SK S4P 3X3
Phone Number: 306-352-2130
Fax: 306-352-2118
Dr. Wojciech P. Olszynski
Specialty: Rheumatology, Internal Medicine
Address: Rheumatology Associates, 103 Midtown Medical Center
39- 23rd Street East, Saskatoon, S7K OH6
Phone: 306-244-2277
Dr Patrice A. Pollock
Specialty: Rheumatology
Address: 140 Wall Street, Saskatoon, S7K 1N4
Phone: 306-652-4704
Dr Alan Rosenburg
Specialty: Pediatric Rheumatology
Address: Royal University HospSaskatoon, S7N 0W8
Phone: 306-966-8112
Dr R. Schellenberg
Specialty: Rheumatology, Internal Medicine
Address: 402 21st Street, Saskatoon, S7N 0W8
Phone: 306-956-3444
Dr Regina M. Taylor-Gjevre
Specialty: Rheumatology, Internal Medicine
Address: Royal University Hospital, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, S7N 0W8
Phone: 306-966-8271
Dr Kent Bailey
Specialty: Naturopathic Medicine
Address: Axiom Health Services, 735 Taylor Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7H 1W1
Phone: 306-955-7707
New Brunswick
Dr Isabelle DeSchene
Specialty: Rheumatology
330 Avenue, Universite’, E1C 2Z3
PH: 506-869-2231
Clinic: 135 MacBeath Ave., Moncton E1C 6Z8
Phone: 506-857-5565
1) Dr. Tariq Suhail
Specialty: Rheumatologist
2) Dr Peter Docherty
Specialty; Rheumatology
Dr Leo Picard
Specialty: Rheumatologist
Georges L Dumont Hospital 330 rue Universite
Suite 206, E1C 2Z3, Ph: 506-862-4330
Dr George A Ecker
Specialty: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine
Fredericton Medical Clinic, 1015 Regent Str. Suite 302 Phone: 506-458-0314
Dr James Henderson
Specialty: Rheumatologist
1015 Regent Street, Suite 407
E3B 6H5 Phone: 506-458-0324
Dr Joan Pascual
Specialty: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine
1015 Regent Street, Suite 407, E3B 6H5
Phone: 506-789-0324
Dr Ewa Sadowska
Specialty: Rheumatologist
Saint John Regional Hospital, PO Box 2100
E3L 4L2 Phone 506-648-6659
Cape Breton
Dr Juris Lazovskis
Specialty: Rheumatologist
Riverside Professional Centre,
31 Riverside Drive , Sydney
B1S 3N1 Phone: 902-539-7875
Nova Scotia
Dr Sylvie A Ouellette
Specialty: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine
920 Cole Harbour Road, Darmouth, B2V 2J5
Phone 902-407-4053
Dr Diane Theriault
Specialty: Rheumatologist
112 Woodlawn Road, B2V 2J5 Ph: 902-435-2040
Dr William van Hoogenhuize
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Treats: ME , CFS & Fibromyalgia
167 Centre Street, Room 10, L6H 3N7
Phone: 877-348-4782
Dr. John Hanly
Specialty: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine
Queen Elizabeth Health Service Centre
1341 Summer St., 2nd Flr, B3H 4K4
PH: 902-473-7019
Dr. Dianne P Mosher
Specialty: Adult & Pediatric Rheumatologist & Internal Medicine.
Dalhousie University, 5595 Fenwick St., Suite 311
B3H 4M2 Ph: 902-210-7363
Dr Suzanne Elizabeth Ramsey
Pediatric Rheumatologist
1WK Health Centre, 5850 University Ave
B3K 6R8 Ph: 902-470-8827
Dr Souad M Shatshat
Specialty: Rheumatologist
5991 Spring Garden Road
B3H 1Y6 Phone: 902-446-4010
Newfoundland & Labrador
St Johns
Dr Sean F. Hamilton
Specialty: Rheumatologist
154 LeMarchant Road
A1C 5B8 Ph: 709-777-5582
Dr Paul Dancey
Specialty: Rheumatology
300 Prince Phillip Dr., St John
Phone: 709-777-4766
Dr Majed M Khraishi
Specialty: Rheumatologist
Nexus Clinicah Research, 1 Anderson Ave.,
AiB 3E1 Phone: 709-576-3235
Dr Yatish N. Setty
Specialty: Rheumatology
7 Stonebridge Place
A1A 5W7, 709-777-5262
North West Territories
Saeid Mushtagh, ND
Specialty: Naturopthic Medicine
Treats: Fibromyalgia
NW Naturopathic Clinic, 5120 48th St
Yellowknife, X1A 1N6
See Pt I for more doctors
Dr. Robert S. McDougall, MD, FRCPC
Specialty: Adult & Pediatric Rheumatology
Address: 2125 11th Ave, Suite 311, Regina, SK S4P 3X3
Phone Number: 306-352-2130
Fax: 306-352-2118
Dr. Wojciech P. Olszynski
Specialty: Rheumatology, Internal Medicine
Address: Rheumatology Associates, 103 Midtown Medical Center
39- 23rd Street East, Saskatoon, S7K OH6
Phone: 306-244-2277
Dr Patrice A. Pollock
Specialty: Rheumatology
Address: 140 Wall Street, Saskatoon, S7K 1N4
Phone: 306-652-4704
Dr Alan Rosenburg
Specialty: Pediatric Rheumatology
Address: Royal University HospSaskatoon, S7N 0W8
Phone: 306-966-8112
Dr R. Schellenberg
Specialty: Rheumatology, Internal Medicine
Address: 402 21st Street, Saskatoon, S7N 0W8
Phone: 306-956-3444
Dr Regina M. Taylor-Gjevre
Specialty: Rheumatology, Internal Medicine
Address: Royal University Hospital, University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, S7N 0W8
Phone: 306-966-8271
Dr Kent Bailey
Specialty: Naturopathic Medicine
Address: Axiom Health Services, 735 Taylor Street East
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7H 1W1
Phone: 306-955-7707
New Brunswick
Dr Isabelle DeSchene
Specialty: Rheumatology
330 Avenue, Universite’, E1C 2Z3
PH: 506-869-2231
Clinic: 135 MacBeath Ave., Moncton E1C 6Z8
Phone: 506-857-5565
1) Dr. Tariq Suhail
Specialty: Rheumatologist
2) Dr Peter Docherty
Specialty; Rheumatology
Dr Leo Picard
Specialty: Rheumatologist
Georges L Dumont Hospital 330 rue Universite
Suite 206, E1C 2Z3, Ph: 506-862-4330
Dr George A Ecker
Specialty: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine
Fredericton Medical Clinic, 1015 Regent Str. Suite 302 Phone: 506-458-0314
Dr James Henderson
Specialty: Rheumatologist
1015 Regent Street, Suite 407
E3B 6H5 Phone: 506-458-0324
Dr Joan Pascual
Specialty: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine
1015 Regent Street, Suite 407, E3B 6H5
Phone: 506-789-0324
Dr Ewa Sadowska
Specialty: Rheumatologist
Saint John Regional Hospital, PO Box 2100
E3L 4L2 Phone 506-648-6659
Cape Breton
Dr Juris Lazovskis
Specialty: Rheumatologist
Riverside Professional Centre,
31 Riverside Drive , Sydney
B1S 3N1 Phone: 902-539-7875
Nova Scotia
Dr Sylvie A Ouellette
Specialty: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine
920 Cole Harbour Road, Darmouth, B2V 2J5
Phone 902-407-4053
Dr Diane Theriault
Specialty: Rheumatologist
112 Woodlawn Road, B2V 2J5 Ph: 902-435-2040
Dr William van Hoogenhuize
Specialty: Internal Medicine
Treats: ME , CFS & Fibromyalgia
167 Centre Street, Room 10, L6H 3N7
Phone: 877-348-4782
Dr. John Hanly
Specialty: Rheumatologist, Internal Medicine
Queen Elizabeth Health Service Centre
1341 Summer St., 2nd Flr, B3H 4K4
PH: 902-473-7019
Dr. Dianne P Mosher
Specialty: Adult & Pediatric Rheumatologist & Internal Medicine.
Dalhousie University, 5595 Fenwick St., Suite 311
B3H 4M2 Ph: 902-210-7363
Dr Suzanne Elizabeth Ramsey
Pediatric Rheumatologist
1WK Health Centre, 5850 University Ave
B3K 6R8 Ph: 902-470-8827
Dr Souad M Shatshat
Specialty: Rheumatologist
5991 Spring Garden Road
B3H 1Y6 Phone: 902-446-4010
Newfoundland & Labrador
St Johns
Dr Sean F. Hamilton
Specialty: Rheumatologist
154 LeMarchant Road
A1C 5B8 Ph: 709-777-5582
Dr Paul Dancey
Specialty: Rheumatology
300 Prince Phillip Dr., St John
Phone: 709-777-4766
Dr Majed M Khraishi
Specialty: Rheumatologist
Nexus Clinicah Research, 1 Anderson Ave.,
AiB 3E1 Phone: 709-576-3235
Dr Yatish N. Setty
Specialty: Rheumatology
7 Stonebridge Place
A1A 5W7, 709-777-5262
North West Territories
Saeid Mushtagh, ND
Specialty: Naturopthic Medicine
Treats: Fibromyalgia
NW Naturopathic Clinic, 5120 48th St
Yellowknife, X1A 1N6
See Pt I for more doctors