Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS, ME) Overviews

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS, ME) Overviews


The Institute of Medicine Report on ME/CFS - is the place to start with ME/CFS. This massive report produced by ME/CFS experts and others under the aegis of a highly respected government organization took a year to produce. Among others it provides a clinicians guide to ME/CFS and a new diagnostic algorithm.
International Consensus Primer (ICP) for ME/CFS (2012) - provides consensus diagnostic criteria developed by ME/CFS experts and treatment and management guidelines for both adults and patients. Updated version of the Canadian Consensus Criteria. Developed for use by primary care clinicians.

The diagnostic guidelines have been superseded by the simpler guidelines of the IOM report but the primer provides much other relevant information. It includes
  • a concise summiary of pathophysiological findings to 2012
  • A comprehensive clinical assessment and diagnostic worksheet which enables clear and consistent diagnosis of adult and paediatric patients world-wide.
  • The treatment and management guidelines offer a blueprint for a personalized, holistic approach to patient care, and include nonpharmaceutical and pharmaceutical suggestions.
  • Patient self-help strategies provide recommendations for energy conservation, diet, and more.
  • Educational considerations for children
Dr Bested on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Canadian ME/CFS expert provides downloadable PDF on the basics of ME/CFS

VIDEOS - Doctors and Researchers Talk

Dr. Komaroff (2017)

The SMCI provides the latest in ME/CFS research from Harvard doctor and researcher

Dr. Klimas (2011)

Respected long time researcher and doctor on ME/CFS. Leader of the Institute for Neuroimmune Medicine at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Dr. Charles Lapp (2017)

Long time North Carolina ME/CFS/FM doctor. Creator of the Hunter Hopkins Center in Charlotte, NC. Now retired.

Dr. Montoya (2011)

At times gripping lecture by Stanford ME/CFS expert Dr. Jose Montoya

Dr. Rosamund Vallings (2014)

Longtime New Zealand Doctor

[/fright]Pearls of Wisdom from a CFS Physician - Dr. Bateman (Solve ME/CFS Initiative)

Respected ME/CFS doctor provides "Pearls of Wisdom" for patients and doctors in a three part blog series from the SMCI:

General Overviews

“Lighting Up a Hidden World: CFS and ME” - Valerie Free's comprehensive book covering many aspects of ME/CFS. A great starting place to learn about ME/CFS. See a review here.

Thirty Years of Disdain — How HHS and A Group of Psychiatrists Buried Myalgic Encephalomyelitis by Mary Dimmock Matthew Lazell-Fairman

Pioneering document from former pharmaceutical company executive explains how policies and figures in the U.S. and U.K. have contributed to the neglect of a million person disease over the past three decades. Examines the outsize role U.K. psychiatrists funded by the U.K. government have played in determining how this disease is interpreted. Available for free.
See Books for Treating and Managing ME/CFS section for more.
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