COMPASS ANS Test - How To Score It

COMPASS ANS Test - How To Score It


Maximum Value
  1. Orthostatic Intolerance - 40
  2. Syncope - 20
  3. Vasomotor - 10
  4. Secretomotor disorder - 20
  5. Gastrointestinal
    1. Gastroparesis - 10
    2. Autonomic diarrhea - 20
    3. Constipation - 10
  6. Bladder Disorder - 20
  7. Pupillomotor impairment - 5
  8. Sleep disorder - 15
  9. Sexual failure* - 30

Severity of Symptoms:

Maximum: 200 (male) / 170 (female)

*Male only

Psychosomatic Index - Maximum: 10
Understatement Index - Maximum: 10


Answers are followed by score, e.g. 2 = 0. Before weighting, set any negative domain score to 0.

1. Orthostatic Intolerance (Generalized adrenergic)

Presence (1 = 2; 2 = 0) Q1
Frequency (1 = 0; 2 = 1; 3-4 = 3) Q2
Severity (1 = 1; 2 = 2; 3 = 3) Q3
Course (1-4 = 1; 5-6 = 0) Q4
Syncope (0 = 0; 1 = 2; 2-5 = 3) Q5
Aggrav. factors (6-9, each = 1) Q6-9
(NB: Reflex syncope not included)

Max score = 40
Weight = 40/16 = 2.5

2. Syncope

Urine (1 = 2) Q10 Coughing (1 = 2) Q11 Pressing neck (1 = 2) Q12 Speech (1 = 2) Q13
Other times (1 = 2) Q14

Max score = 20
Weight = 20/10 = 2

3. Vasomotor (Peripheral adrenergic)

Presence (1 = 4) Q18 Type (55-58, each = 1) Q19-22
Distribution (59-62, each = 1) Q23-26 Duration (1-4 = 2; 5 = 1; 6 = 0) Q27 Course (1-2 = 2; 4 = -1; 5-6 = -2; 7 = 0) Q28

Max Score = 10
Weight = 10/16 = 0.63

4. Secretomotor (Cholinergic)

Presence of change (1, 4 = 1; 2-3 = 0; 5 = 2) Q29
Feet hypohydrosis (1, 4 = 1; 2-3 = 0; 5 = 2) Q30
Presence of gustatory sweating (1 = 2; 2-7 = 0) Q31
Heat intolerance (32-35, each = 1; 36 = 0) Q32 36
Dry eyes (1 = 2; 2 = 0) Q37
Dry mouth (1 = 2; 2 = 0) Q38

Max Score = 20
Weight = 20/14 = 1.43

5. Gastrointestinal
  1. Gastroparesis
Early satiety (1 = 1; 2-5 = 0) Q39
Bloating (1-2 = 0; 3 = 1) Q40
Nausea (3 = 1) Q41
Vomiting (2 = 1; 3 = 2) Q42
Abd. pain (3 = 1) Q43

Max Score = 10
Weight = 10/6 = 1.6

6. Autonomic diarrhea

Presence (1 = 1; 2 = 0) Q44
Frequency (1-2 = 0; 3 = 1; 4 = 2) Q45
Severity (1 = 0; 2-3 = 1) Q46
Course (1-2 = 1; 4 = -1; 5 = -2; 6 = -3) Q47

Max Score = 20
Weight = 20/5 = 4

7. Constipation

Presence (1 = 1; 2 = 0) Q48
Frequency (1-3 = 0; 4 = 2) Q49
Severity (1 = 0; 2 =1 Q50
Course (1 = 2; 2 =1; 3 = 0; 4 = -1; 5 = -3; 6 = -4) Q51

Weight = 10/7 = 1.5

8. Bladder disorder
Loss of control (1 = 0; 2 = 1; 3 = 3; 4 = 4) Q58
Retention (1 = 0; 2 = 1; 3 = 2; 4 = 3) Q59
Residual urine (1 = 0; 2 = 1; 3 = 2; 4 = 3) Q60

Max Score = 20
Weight = 20/10 =

9.0 Pupils
1.0 Glare

Presence (1-2 = 0; 3-4 = 2) Q61
Severity (1 = 0; 2 = 1; 3 = 2) Q62
Severity (1-3 = 0; 4-5 = 1) Q65

1. Focusing

Presence (1-2 = 0; 3-4 = 2) Q63
Severity (1 = 0; 2 = 1; 3 = 2) Q64
Duration (1-4 = 1) Q66
Course (1-2 = 1; 4 = -1; 5-6 = -2) Q67
Max Score = 5
Weight = 5/11 = 0.5

10. Sleep disorders

Sleep arrest (1 = 3; 2 = 0) Q68
Snore (1 = 2; 2 = 0) Q69
Dx Narcolepsy (1 = 3) Q70
Dx OSA (1 = 3) Q71
Dx abnormal sleep pattern (1 = 3) Q72
Restorative sleep (1 = 2; 2 = 1) Q73 Quality of sleep (1 = 1; 5 = -3) Q74
Croup (1 = 3) Q76

Max score = 15
Weight = 15/20 = 0.75

11. Sexual (Male only)

1, Male Erectile Dysfunction

Presence (1 = 3; 2 = 2; 3 = 1) Q79
Severity Q80-83
Q80: 1 = 0
Q81: 1 = 2
Q82: 1 = 3
Q83: 1 =

2. Ejaculatory Problems
Failure to ejaculate (1 = 5) Q84
Dry orgasms (1 = 5) Q85
Medication (1 = 0) Q86
Other (1 = 0) Q87
Not applicable (1 = 0) Q88
Duration (1-4 = 2; 5 = 1) Q89
Course (1-3 = 1; 4 = -2; 5 = -4; 6 = -8) Q90

Erectile Dysfunction (Q79-83, 86-90)

Max Score = 20
Weight = 20/14 = 1.43

Ejaculatory Problems (Q84+85)

Max Score = 10
Weight = 10/10 = 1


Nauseated (1 = 0; 2 = 2) Q54
Diarrhea (1 = 0; 2 = 2) Q55
Appetite (1 = 0; 2 = 2) Q56
Stomach pain (1 = 0; 2 = 2) Q57
Sleep (1 = 0; 2 = 2) Q75
Concentration (1 = 0; 2 = 2) Q78

Max Score = 10
Weight = 10/12 = 0.83

Over-scoring (Psychosomatic)

Facial paralysis (1-2 = 0; 3-4 = 2) Q15
Uncontrollable movement (1-2 = 0; 3-4 = 1) Q16 Speech dyscontrol (1-2 = 0; 3-4 = 2) Q17
Difficulty swallowing (1-2 = 0; 3-4 = 2) Q52
Taste (1-2 = 0; 3-4 = 2) Q53
Oversensitive hearing (1-2 = 0; 3-4 = 2) Q77

Max Score = 10
Weight = 10/11 = 0.91
First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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