Dr. Goldstein's Protocol Does the Trick for Mathew

Dr. Goldstein's Protocol Does the Trick for Mathew

Source of the Story
Internet story
  1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Disease Course Over Time
An entrepreneur running a business with 20 employees becomes ill in 1990. He eventually becomes bedridden and so debilitated cannot speak for more than a few minutes or listen to TV, radio except briefly.
Approximate Date of Illness Began
Such severe orthostatic intolerance he could not sit up. Extreme sensitivity to stimuli, could not listen to radio, TV or voices for more than a minute, had trouble speaking more than a few sentences.
Treatments That Made A Big Difference
Uses Dr. Goldstein's protocol to find four treatments, Baclofen, Mirapex, Chlorzoxazon, and Guaifenesin which gradually over the next two years returned him to health in 2004. Afterwards he was able to phase out all drugs.
Treatments That Had No Effect
Suffers relapse after relapse usually after taking natural supplements or herbs, worked with a score of talented practitioners and tried many treatments including acupuncture, chiropractic, massage, cranio-sacro therapy, shiatsu, Reikki, homeopathy, reflexology, ayurvedic medicine, various herbal therapies (Chinese, western, etc), various diets, and vitamins and supplements too numerous to list - none of which made any difference.
Present State of Health
  1. Fully recovered - no restrictions at all
Words of Advice
The moral of this story is don't give up. Medicine is advancing rapidly. There is a solution out there for you, or there will be one at some time in the near future.
Suggested Resources
Dr. Goldstein is no longer practicing medicine, but several of his books are available at Amazon.com:
1. Betrayal by the Brain (his first book)
2. A Companion Volume to Dr. Jay A. Goldstein's Betrayal by the Brain: A Guide for Patients and Their Physicians by Katie Courmel and Jay A. Goldstein (Paperback) This is a plain English translation of the above.

3. Tuning the Brain: Principles and Practice of Neurosomatic Medicine by Jay A. Goldstein published by Haworth Press.

(Check out all of Dr. Goldstein's' Treatments here - http://www.cortjohnson.org/forums/threads/all-of-dr-goldsteins-me-cfs-treatments-by-erica-verillo.2192/)
Mathew used Dr. Goldstein's protocol to find four treatments, Baclofen, Mirapex, Chlorzoxazon, and Guaifenesin which over the next two years returned him to health in 2004.

He picked Dr. Goldstein because Dr. Goldstein believed ME/CFS was the result of an over-reactive nervous system. That was consistent with his experience: he was over-reactive to sounds, smells, emotional stressors, etc. Goldstein, was treated ME/CFS patients with meds that reduced the reactivity of the central nervous system.

He did not work with Goldstein. He worked with a holistic therapist who helped him select the drugs. Although she turned out to be unable to tell beforehand if a med would be beneficial or harmful, she was always able to tell once he started taking them. Without her, I might not have chosen the right meds.
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