My CFS Recovery

My CFS Recovery

Jocelyn Murray
  1. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Type of Onset
acute flu-like
Approximate Date of Illness Began
>20 years
Functionality at it's Worst
Mostly homebound
fatigue, muscle and joint aches, brain fog, scratchy throat, couldn't sleep, feeling of being on the verge of fainting, overall sense of feeling terrible
Treatments That Made A Big Difference
intravenous vitamin therapies, thyroid medicine, gluten free/sugar free diet, glutathione, supplements, increase in salt intake,
Treatments That Helped
melatonin or herbal sleep remedies to get restful sleep
Present State of Health
  1. Leads near normal life but cannot exercise vigorously
Practitioner Associated With Recovery
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, Dr. Henry Sobo
Words of Advice
Please seek out Dr. Teitelbaum's advice and a doctor who can help you implement his SHINE protocol (Sleep, Hormones, Infections, Nutrition and Exercise). It saved my life!
Suggested Resources
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum's book 'From Fatigued to Fantastic' and his blog
I became sick over 25 years ago after I graduated from college and was eventually diagnosed with CFS. I was nearly bedridden for over a year but was then lucky enough to find a Complimentary/Alternative Medicine physician who treated me with intravenous vitamins, put me on a strict diet and helped to get significantly better. I wasn't normal but I was able to work, get married, have two children and live a normal life (minus any exercise or exertion).

Unfortunately, I had a relapse about 7 years ago that again almost rendered me bedridden- I was so sick. Similar to Maureen's story, I found help with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum protocol and now I can proudly say that I'm managing my CFS quite well. I own a small business and I just returned from a 12 day trip to Europe!

The continued success of my recovery requires diligence and I constantly need to be aware of what I eat (gluten free, sugar free, high protein), get plenty of rest and take all of my supplements. Per Dr. Teitelbaum, I recently added glutathione to my list of supplements and it has greatly improved by over well being.

I'd like to give other ME/CFS sufferers hope and advice on what has helped me, so please contact me if I can answer question or convey what works to help me.
Jocelyn Murray
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This is the main stay of my story also. I became sick with Mono, CMV and EBV in 1989. I find the diet is almost everything other than my CPAP sleep machine-which has helped my recovery. I am on No sugar, No gluten, No fried food and some fish and little chicken diet. With b-12 injections and tripled my Probiotics. IBS has gone, . Sleep is better. On no meds but baby aspirin once in a while and Clariten for congestion rarely.Wonderful blog and rec. Diet is not hard to stay on when you increase veggies and no Lactose at all. Lactose or dairy causes congestion.
Thanks so much Joceyln for sharing your story so fully - and giving other people hope. I like especially that you had this disease for so long and were still able to recover:)

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