
  1. Cort

    NIH Director Francis Collins Talks Up Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) Again

    We've never had a bully pulpit like this. Yes, we need more money above all but talking is taking action as well. Changing hearts and minds is important. NIH director Francis Collins and NINDS director Walter Koroshetz are helping to dispel false ideas and create a new understanding of ME/CFS as...
  2. Cort

    A Entire State Goes "M.E." in Congressional Breakthrough

    Nevada Goes "M.E." An entire state goes "ME". That's never happened before. Courtney Miller of Simmaron, Emily Taylor of the Solve ME/CFS Initiative, MEAction and the USAWG worked together to enroll the entire Nevada Congressional delegation to put its total support behind increased funding...
  3. Cort

    Trump Administration Takes New Tack in Attempt to Cut NIH Funding: Lawmakers Push Back

    The Trump budget will be released next week. A report in the Atlantic suggesting that the Trump administration is taking a new tack in its attempt to reduce the National Institutes of Health budget, resulted in a flurry of comments. The new plan, which the administration says may not make it...
  4. Cort

    NIH Director Pushes ME/CFS as Advocates Press Politicians

    The Bad News - the President's budget proposal asks for massive potential cuts at the biggest medical research funder on the planet - just as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) research was finally gaining some momentum. If any diseases get cut at the NIH it's probably going to be those like...
  5. Cort

    Francis Collin To Stay On - At Least for Now

    Dr. Trump has indicated that NIH Director Francis Collins will be "held over". It's not clear if he will actually be appointed to the post but it suggests that it's possible. Top Republicans have urged Trump to retain Collins. How much weight they have is unclear with a President who...
  6. Cort

    Francis Collins's Chances to Retain NIH Directorship Improve

    NIH directors sometime continue when an administration from the same party takes over, but when a different party takes over control of the White House it's a different story. They're usually gone in a flash. This year may be an exception, though. People with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)...
  7. Cort

    Collins in (last?) ME/CFS Meeting Acknowledges Disservice to ME/CFS

    From We're not getting nearly what we want (and deserve and need_ but we've moved farther with Collins than with anyone else. In fact, its not even close. While he clearly has a commitment to this disease, other NIH...

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