
  1. Cort

    The Open Medicine Foundation's Second Annual COMMUNITY SYMPOSIUM is being Livestreamed (for free :))

    The speakers for the Second Annual Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS at Stanford University on Saturday, September 29 include Ronald W. Davis, PhD (fearless leader); Maureen Hanson, PhD (ME/CFS Research center leader); Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, - (autoimmune researcher)...
  2. Cort

    Ron Davis Talks on ME/CFS...and Texas Listens

    Making a Difference Ron Davis was invited to the University of Texas to talk to the biological and bioengineering departments over two days. His long talk was putatively on developing affordable technologies that can be used by doctors, but it ended up being more than that. On the...
  3. Cort

    OMF Symposium to Provide First Look at Metabolomic / Immune Results in ME/CFS

    The Real Action - The Working Group The Open Medicine Foundation's "Community Symposium on the Molecular Basis of ME/CFS" is coming up next week. The Symposium follows a two-day workshop - an ME/CFS research jam session that dozens of researchers and MD's will participate in. Davis has noticed...
  4. Cort

    Open Medicine Webinar on Findings from Severe ME/CFS Project Coming in Feb

    They are moving fast! Webinar by OMF's Scientific Advisory Board Director This February, Dr. Ronald W. Davis will host a live webinar to give an exciting research and progress update on all that has been happening at OMF with the Severely ill Big Data Study, the Metabolomics validation...
  5. Cort

    Ron Davis Calls for NIH To Take New Approach To Disease with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS)

    In his response to the NIH's request for Information on ME/CFS Ron Davis called for a massive effort to understand the molecular roots of ME/CFS. This effort would require the NIH to fund studies focused on developing hypotheses instead of answering them. It would result in new ways to analyse...
  6. Cort

    Harvard and Stanford Partner to Create Massive Computer Program for End/ME Project

    The OMF's End ME/CFS project gets more and more impressive by the day it seems. Ron Davis said he would get the best talent and he is. Stanford and Harvard researchers are developing a massive computer program to analyze the millions of data points the project will create.... From the OMF's...
  7. Cort

    The Mitochondria Man Gets His Money and The UK Goes MEGA: ME/CFS Research Moving Forward

    Good things keep happening in the chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) world and not all of them are on the federal level. Private efforts emphasizing collaboration and working together are continuing to produce surprising results and make waves. The Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) is a good example...

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