
  1. S

    Event NH’s 1st screening of “UNREST"

    Anyone going to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH 10/16/18 @ 3:30pm for “Unrest” screening and panel ? Free for healthcare professionals, scientists and the public. Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth and the Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Assoc...
  2. Cort

    Health Professionals Flood Unrest Screening

    Unrest is still making a big difference. In fact, in some ways it's making a bigger difference than ever.. Last month it was shown to public health officials and an all star ME/CFS panel in Berkeley. Now 200 researchers and public health care officials have signed up to see it in...
  3. Danesh

    PBS World channel showings of "Unrest"

    Last I saw a reminder of Unrest airing time here, on a blog, turned out to be wrong, not your fault, Cort. In the western US it aired on the main PBS stations last night at 11 or 11:30 PM. However!! "PBS World", an affiliated channel over the airwaves or satellite/cable, will repeat Unrest, on...
  4. Cort

    Gender, Unrest, Cosmpolitan and ME/CFS

    Check out a simply fantastic and lengthy article on Unrest, gender bias and chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) in Cosmopolitan. Unrest, getting major media attention, knocks it out of the park again! http://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a12779054/what-is-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/
  5. Cort

    Unrest Makes It Onto Prime Time - Megan Kelly Interviews Jen Brea and Omar on NBC's Today Show!

    That's like 3 million viewers..... Whoa!
  6. Cort

    Jen Brea on Her Broken Batteries, Crashing and Unrest

    Jen in her interviews always makes me think. I thought this, from the Refinery interview - http://www.refinery29.com/2017/09/170256/unrest-movie-chronic-fatigue-syndrome-woman - was very interesting This reminds me a lot of Julie Rehmeyer and her mold issues. Suddenly, very suddenly often...
  7. Cort

    New York Times Reviews Unrest

    Unrest has made it to the big times - the New York Times has reviewed it. It's wasn't Manohla Dargas and the review is short but its mostly positive - a good sign for the biggest and most influential media outlet in the country...
  8. Cort

    Changing Hearts and Minds: A Review of Unrest

    Awarding-winning Documentary https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BZTE3MWQxYzktODA2ZC00MzMwLTg4ZDAtOTRhOGNiNWVmZDU0L2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjEyMDA3NDA@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,666,1000_AL_.jpgUnrest is about to spring into action. Scheduled to go into widespread theatrical release in...
  9. Cort

    "Unrest" - Learn About What's Next for Major ME/CFS Film

    UNREST director, Jennifer Brea will be conducting a live Q&A for the ME community this Sunday, January 15th at 11AM PST, 2 PM EST USA, 7PM London, hosted by #MEAction. UNREST is a documentary film about ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) premiering next week at the Sundance Film Festival. Jennifer...

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