Covid Vaccine, Tinnitus and Hearing Loss


We know that hearing loss and tinnitus are symptoms of Covid as well as long hauler symptoms. This drove the CEO of Texas Roadhouse restaurants to suicide not long ago. The internet, Drug Discovery Trends, and Facebook Groups on Tinnitus and Covid are now flooded with thousands of reports from people who are having sudden hearing loss, new onset of tinnitus and severely increased tinnitus for those who may already have tinnitus. The onset in concurrent with the vaccine without a doubt. The stories are heartbreaking. The ENT's and audiologists are flooded and are now seeing it in spades. A prominent vaccine expert and immunologist at Mayo is a victim. The question is what is causing it if there is no virus in the vaccine. An ototoxic ingredient, an autoimmune attack, many are having vertigo, or inflammation that is out of control. Many have had months without any improvement, few have recovered totally, many are foregoing the 2nd vaccine or got much worse after taking a chance on the 2nd. It is Pfizer, Moderna, JandJ and Astra Zeneca, all the vaccines. Reports are coming in from other countries and the VAERS system is behind the curve. You have to dig beyond the headlines to find all the posts and comments in some places. Many of us already suffer from tinnitus as part of CFS ME and FMS aand MCAS. Personally I have experienced an upturn in my tinnitus that I don't know how I will live with, it is paralyzing, tinnitus is torture as it is, a lot of dizziness and head pressure and a ME CFS crash as well.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if anyone has any hard answers, truly. I knew a long time ago I'd never do one of these experimental drugs. I have so many words for these "drugs" and I can't use them here.

You might give Grape Seed Extract a good run to see if it could eliminate or reduce the tinnitus. I don't have any tinnitus and have been taking Grape Seed Extract for 25 yrs. Grape Seed Ex is a powerful antioxidant and I take extra Vit C daily as well.

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Three groups on Facebook to follow:
Tinnitus and Hearing Loss Impairment after COVID VACCINATION
Covid Vaccine Tingling numbness burning loss of strength fatigue symptoms
Rampant cases, many neurological issues, and severe ME CFS crashes

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
ME patients have a lot of symptoms of increased nerve sensitivity (sensitivity to light and sound). The body clears covid through innate immunity triggering apoptosis. On an infected auditory nerve this would cause hyperactivity (tinnitus) during the apoptosis period and then hearing loss until it healed. However, if the infected cell is immortalized by chronic virus it can't be cleared so you end up with nerves being stuck hyperactive (tinnitus). I think these patients continue to act as spreaders shedding covid virus.


So you are saying though vaccinated they are infecting people? Not sure what immortalized by chronic virus means. There are even more reports of bad neuro symptoms going on throughout the body and brain. Starting to be picked up by press, one documentary being made now.

Apo Sci

Well-Known Member
So you are saying though vaccinated they are infecting people? Not sure what immortalized by chronic virus means. There are even more reports of bad neuro symptoms going on throughout the body and brain. Starting to be picked up by press, one documentary being made now.

I did not say they are infecting people with covid however they could sneak in some chronic nasty viruses in the form of contamination (HHV-6). This is what happened with the Rotarix vaccine.

Immortalized means the cell can not die through apoptosis (triggered suicide).

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