HHV-6 Foundation

Who Me?

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The HHV-6 Foundation is a non-profit institution that encourages scientific exchange between investigators by holding conferences for virologists and clinical researchers, maintaining a repository of reagents to facilitate research, and offering pilot grants for promising research projects.

The Foundation also seeks to raise awareness among physicians of the many conditions that have recently been associated with HHV-6 infection and encourage the discovery of antiviral compounds appropriate for HHV-6. The Foundation pilot grants allow investigators the seed funds to gather preliminary data in order to apply for larger grants.

The Scientific Director is Dharam Ablashi, co-discoverer of the HHV-6 virus and a 23-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute. Ablashi is also the co-founder of the EBV Association and the IACFS. Kristin Loomis has served as the Executive Director since founding the organization in 2004 with the help of several other family members and patients who have suffered from HHV-6 associated central nervous system disease. The Scientific Advisory Board is comprised of many of the world’s top experts on HHV-6.
Jill Chase manages the Foundation’s Repository as well as many of the research projects initiated by the Foundation. Josh Pritchett writes the newsletters and assists with the web site updates. Emily Lum is a research assistant.

Louise Chatlynne and Courtney de Balmann volunteer their time to assist the Foundation on important research projects.

The Foundation sponsors a large international conference every other year.
The HHV-6 Foundation is a 501 (c ) (3) tax-exempt public charity. EIN# 20-1043981


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