

Well-Known Member
A sucess story is all in the definition that the person themself determines. I feel I’m a sucess story – but I’m not 100%. If I ask my husband what percentage he would say my recovery and dysfunction is – he says I’m still on a lower level than what I feel is true for me. I know where I’ve been and know where I am. So I feel my improvement is a lot higher than someone who observes me may. It’s all a perception based on our own understandings and how WE SEE THINGS. It’s based on LIFE in OUR world. Not life in someone else’s world. If we perceive ourselves as better and our minds accept that as a fact for us – then we can be more at peace with where we are in our own world, our life and our perception of what is true for us.

None of us will probably ever be what we May consider 100%. But we have to be thankful for the improvements we get and accept a certain level of dysfunction from imperfect bodies. It's learning how to be ok with what we get and LIVING our lives the best we can with whatever that may be. I've watched some very disabled people LIVE life with much happiness and peace of mind. Some things can't be changed. But we can come to peace in our minds and that improves our quality. We can't base it off someone else's abilities and long for their function. We base it off our abilities and our perception of our function. Not that we accept the dysfunction - but coming to terms with it gives peace. And surprisingly that actually improves our function. It's not a mental problem, but that is definitely affected. Mind, Body medicine does make a difference. Science can actually prove it.

That's one reason why I don't think we can say our percentage of function. If we put ourselves low - we will live up to it. If we put ourselves as high - we may push to hard to live up to it. I don't want to fix to low a percentage as a thought in my mind. Or be disappointed if I can't live up to my desired higher percentage.

One of my favorite quotes is by Anias Nin:

"We dont see things as THEY are,
We see them as WE are."

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Founder of Health Rising and Phoenix Rising
Staff member
Words of wisdom Issie.

I've been going through a practice of "choosing what's present" - from a Landmark Education seminar...It's really the only logical thing to do. If it's there you can either resist it - and feel worse or choose it...and be at peace and in the moment.

Toni Bernhard just had a great blog on "Starting from where you are" - same thing.

None of us will probably ever be what we May consider 100%. But we have to be thankful for the improvements we get and accept a certain level of dysfunction from imperfect bodies. It's learning how to be ok with what we get and LIVING our lives the best we can with whatever that may be.


Well-Known Member
I will have to look her blog up. I don't think I've read it before.

I had a good friend, with whom I used to do a lot of research, tell me he was going to stop forums and discussing health. He had discovered that if he didn't stay focussed on it with research and constant thought he did better. I was very sad by his decision because that's mostly what we talked about and focussed on. He has a brilliant brain and grasped things that I would have trouble understanding. I learned so much from him. And I learned a lot about myself and the body and how it works. I enjoy the learning process. But it had gotten to the point that we realized it wasn't good for us to have Health be on our minds so much. He, by his withdrawal of discussion, forced me to take a look at what I was doing with my life. What I was focussed on and whether or not it was making any positive improvements in my life or keeping me stuck in a place of limbo with needing all the answers. When I stopped focussing on needing to know the cause. I started focussing on what we felt WAS the cause and what could I do about it. When I started making lifestyle changes with diet and activity and mostly how I viewed things. Addressing the things I thought were the issues (autoimmune and inflammation), my life started changing for the better. I still enjoy research and am intrigued and amazed at how the body works - but I don't spend hours doing it. I seldom talk on forums and don't choose to have daily conversation about health. Like you, I try to focus on the moments and appreciate the now that is good. Things can change fast. I try to help others when I can and try not to focus on myself. One of the most valuable gifts you can give - doesn't cost money. Giving OF yourself to someone else is a gift that you give to yourself. Time cannot be bought with money. But what you do with that time could mean more than any wealth that is tangible. It could mean helping someone else HAVE a life, while helping you to LIVE a life.

It truly matters how we perceive things and what we DO with that perception.

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